GROOM in 2021: A Few Words From Julien, Co-founder

Dear friends,

Year ends are perfect moments to look above the shoulder and assess how far we have come. It’s something I enjoy doing in my own life, and I love it when it comes to seeing what progress GROOM has made.
The path of a small business like ours is made - for better or for worse - in equal parts of dreams, passion and obstacles.

Each year brings its share of advances, but truth be told, 2021 has been an exceptional year in many respects.

First of all, I am incredibly proud of our environmental initiatives.
Obtaining the "Plastic Negative Certification" and planting over 4,500 trees with One Tree Planted are significant accomplishments for my team and me.

We have also expanded our line of products considerably, with four new items and a brand new Skin Care category. Speaking of which, your response to this new category has been overwhelming, which is pure fuel for us to push further down that line - stay tuned!
Many things change, but our determination to bring you the absolute best in men’s care remains actual year after year while remaining adamant about our eco-commitment.

Thank you for following us on this journey, miles away from any beaten track, from the bottom of my heart.
Everything we achieve is for you and with you.
Keep an eye out for our upcoming projects!

Julien Blanchard,

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